The Crazy Life of a Crazy Real Estate Heiress

Friday, March 31, 2006

My sister's good mood

You know, I take back all of the mean things I've said about my sister. Yesterday afternoon, D. walked into our bedroom, unlocked my handcuffs (she caught me browsing Craigslist again), and said, "Get dressed. We're going shopping." Shopping! I could hardly believe it! D. hardly ever takes me shopping, and when she does, it's usually to the hardware store to buy more lead paint, or to Dress Barn for another pair of custom-fitted walking shoes (not that she does a lot of walking). Those trips are fun, but I'm never allowed to get anything for myself.

So you can imagine how excited I was when we piled into my nephew's new Mercedes and drove as one big happy property management company to Friendship Heights. Here's what my sister bought for me:

Cat sweatshirt from Filene's Basement: $19.99
Lunch at Panera: $7.49
Tampons: $2.54
Wallet from Steinmart: $9.99
7-Day AM/PM Pill Organizer from the Container Store: $3.99
Cash to mockingly tear into shreds in front of crazy (relatively speaking) homeless lady: $10

All that stuff, for just $47! Can you believe it?


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