The Crazy Life of a Crazy Real Estate Heiress

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

These dreams

I've been told by the man in my television that it's never too late to start over, change careers, switch gears, etc. But what do you do when you've never actually had a career? Oh, sure, I assist my sister in running the family's property mismanagement company, but I consider it more a chore than a career. (My sister calls it "fulfilling a legacy" but I guess that serves as her legal reason for refusing me a living wage.)

Ever since I was a little girl, I've dreamt of achieving my dreams. But that was 500 years ago, and look where I am today. (D. created a dream machine that destroys your hopes and aspirations and replaces them with thoughts of suicide. I always get a tingly feeling when she affixes the electrodes to my head!)


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